


Welcome to the STIX practice.

Similar to any other paediatric practice my focus will be to support your child to reach his or her full potential.

This could be with a common cold or a more serious issue such as a problem to concentrate. 


Because the practice only operates during limited hours, you must accept that I cannot always be available in case of an emergency and, although I will try my best, it might be required that you seek help from your general practitioner, the emergency rooms at your nearest hospital or one of the other paediatricians in the vicinity.


Although I cover all aspects of paediatric medicine, I do have specific interests that I focus on.

Specifically, allergic related problems such as asthma, immune deficiency and neurological problems such as attention deficit disorders and autism requires a mentioning.



I cover a number of Mediclinic hospitals, but prefer to admit to the Cape Gate Mediclinic. Depending on limitations set by your medical aid it might not always be possible to accommodate your child in one of these hospitals and then I will obviously be obliged to request one of my colleagues to take over the management and further treatment.


I believe in an open communication line and invite parents to contact me directly in case of an emergency. Should I not take the call immediately, then you may leave a message (email, SMS or WhatsApp) and I will return your enquiry as soon as possible. Alternatively, you should follow the instructions given under ‘Availability’.


My prime focus is to involve parents and caretakers in the decision making process and reach a consensus decision before proceeding with a treatment or management strategy. Always feel comfortable to question any treatment plan, as we are all fallible and as I respect your concerns.

Thank you for entrusting your child to my care. I consider this as a privilege and, together with my management team, will endeavour to act professionally, courteously and in the best interest of you as parent and your child.