Services & Rates


Dr. Fourie can be consulted by making an appointment. He will often support telephonic or email requests within his limited availability.

Chronic Application

Depending on the specific medical aid and grade the patient belongs to, chronic medication will be approved by applying to the medical aid, following the relevant application protocol and specific criteria. 

Admission to Paediatric Ward

Under certain serious conditions the patient might require to be admitted to a hospital. Dr. Fourie will continue to support the patient on a daily basis until he/she is well enough to be discharged. 



Acute and chronic prescription will be processed on a daily basis and either be emailed or made available for collection in the prescription box located outside the practice.

Dr. Fourie will motivate for approval to the medical aid, should the patient require a specific test (such as an MRI or EEG).

Referral for Additional Support

Because of the complexity of certain diseases, it is often required to refer a patient for special investigations or to request a specialist with knowledge of the specific disease to render an opinion and medical support, such as in the case of heart, lung, brain or urinary tract abnormalities. 


2023 Rates


Consultation fee:                       R 1500

After hours consultation fee*: R 1700

Short follow-up:      R 510

Medium follow-up:                    R 720 

Long Follow-up:         R 1060

Prescriptions:       R 225

Methylphenidate prescriptions:   R 120

Motivations/General letters: R 160 - R425

Tympanometric test:    R 210

Lung function test:         R210 - R425

*Applies from 18:00 and on weekends

Feel free to phone us on our landline or email us if you have any questions.