Welcome to the STIX practice. As a paediatrician, I focus on supporting your child to reach their full potential. Whether it be a common cold, or a more serious issue such as trouble concentrating, I will assist you in navigating these hurdles.
Our Approach
The initial evaluation is completed through a number of questionnaires such as:
– The practice question list: Height and length, diet, sport, academic and medical history, etc.
– Other reports, if available: Swan report, psychological, speech, and occupational therapy assessments, Tracto monitoring, Panda assessment
– The accumulated data will be processed and form part of a short sit-down visit to finalise a consolidated report, to be used in the next phase.
– During the formal visit, a physical examination will be conducted in conjunction with an in-depth assessment of any background problems.
– This will lead to a diagnosis, discussion of potential treatment outcomes, and a final plan of action.
Feedback will be regularly provided to Dr Fourie through three options: the Tracto app, WhatsApp, or follow-up visitations.
As the practice only operates during limited hours, I unfortunately cannot always be available. Therefore, in the case of an emergency, please seek help from your general practitioner, the emergency rooms at your nearest hospital, or one of the other paediatricians in the vicinity.
I cover a number of Mediclinic hospitals, but prefer to admit to Cape Gate Mediclinic. Depending on limitations set by your medical aid it might not always be possible to accommodate your child in one of the hospitals. In this event, I will request one of my colleagues to take over the management and further treatment of your child.
I cover a number of Mediclinic hospitals, but prefer to admit to the Cape Gate Mediclinic. Depending on limitations set by your medical aid it might not always be possible to accommodate your child in one of these hospitals and then I will obviously be obliged to request one of my colleagues to take over the management and further treatment.
My prime focus is to involve parents and caretakers in the decision making process and reaching a collective consensus before proceeding with a treatment of management strategy. Always feel comfortable to question any treatment plan, as we are all fallible and I respect your concerns.
Although I cover all aspects of paediatric medicine, I do have specific interests that I focus on.
Specifically, allergic related problems such as asthma, immune deficiency and neurological problems such as attention deficit disorders and autism requires a mentioning.
I believe in an open communication line and invite parents to contact me directly in case of an emergency. Should I not take the call immediately, then you may leave a message (email, SMS or WhatsApp) and I will return your enquiry as soon as possible.